Who's Your One?

Imagine the impact if every Christian had ONE person they prayed for and shared the gospel with. Who are you committing to pray for?



Imagine if every member of OAK GROVE could answer the question, “Who’s Your ONE?” with the name of a person—a person for whom they’re praying and with whom they’re sharing the gospel. Whether it’s a spouse, child, sibling, parent, co-worker, or just someone that you know is far from God, this movement is geared towards leading them prayerfully and intentionally into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

How would it change OAK GROVE?

How would it change HARFORD COUNTY?

How would it change the WORLD?

God’s people don’t merely need another method for evangelism. What they need is a PASSION to see people who are far from God experience the new life He offers through Jesus Christ.

Disciples are to make disciples!! This is not a biblical “suggestion,” it is a command of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter how many churches we plant or sermons we preach if we’re not intent on doing everything so that lost men, women and children will experience the transforming work of God.

Without that ONE THING, we fail to be obedient to the commands of Christ.

That’s why we’re launching the “Who’s Your One” initiative in JANUARY 2020. This effort is designed to mobilize everyone who calls OAK GROVE their church family to identify ONE PERSON in his or her relational network to pray for and share the gospel with in 2020.

Imagine the joy that will fill your heart when your “ONE” comes to know Jesus because you have prayed for them, shared Jesus with them, and watched as the Holy Spirit did what only He can do…save their soul.

Imagine the incredible joy you will experience to come up to me at church with your new brother or sister in Christ and say, “Pastor, this is my one.” Or to stand in the baptistery with someone and tell the church, “This is her! She is my one!”

Make sure to get your copy of the “30-Day Prayer Guide” that accompanies this vibrant and vital evangelistic movement. They are free and available at the Gateway in the West lobby.

If we’re going to move the evangelism needle in our churches, we’ve got to be modeling what we’re preaching.

By God’s grace, we can all partner to reach our ONE.


Come join us at Oak Grove as Pastor Jim Testerman shares in a five part sermon series that will both motivate and inspire you to find YOUR ONE!


For more information, visit Who’s Your One? online.

We also have the following downloadable resource available to help with your Who’s Your One? initiative.